Tuesday, January 09, 2007

People Buy the Strangest Crap

Next time you are in line at Target or Wally World, check out what the dude/dudette is buying. You’ll learn a lot about them. Or at least you can come up with a pretty good story in your head.

At Target the other night, Hubs and I were in line (kidless – SWEET!) and the guy in the next aisle was buying two white hand towels. Nothing else – just these towels. I wanted to march over to him and say, “What the hell? This entire store at your finger tips and the only thing you need are these towels?” It was much more interesting to come up with my own theories.

Theory 1
Guy in Target, it’s around 9:30 on a Saturday night, we’re in a college town, the students are just getting back from Christmas break, guy missed girl, girl prolly waiting out in the car or maybe a nearby apartment, towels can be extremely helpful in cleaning up fluids. White towels.

Theory 2
Guy in Target, it’s around 9:30 on a Saturday night, we’re in a college town, the students are just getting back from Christmas break, guy missed girl so he invited her over to his place. She walks in the door and yells, “Get your ass to Target and get some dish towels. You are SO cleaning up these dishes that have been sitting here before Christmas! I will NOT be back until you clean up this hell hole!”

Theory 3
Guy in Target, it’s around 9:30 on a Saturday night, we’re in a college town, guy doesn’t have a girl. Yeah, good choice on the color.

And Theory 4
He just needed some towels.