Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How Much Debt is Too Much? And other cool links.

Any debt is too much, silly!

This is for those of you who have never gone to the trouble to figure out where you are with your debt-to-income ratio. This is a very easy form to fill out, the press the calculate button and it will tell you if you are in trouble or not. Ok, some of you may already know you are in trouble but you should still do it. And if your results come back as "acceptable", that doesn't mean you shouldn't still be working your rear end off to get rid of the debt. If nothing else, this very, very quick exercise will at least get you thinking about how much you owe.

Ok, here is the debt-to-income calculator.

And Millionaire Mommy Next Door has an awesome listing of links for you to look through. The only one I don't agree with is the debt consolidation tools, just because I'm not a fan of debt consolidation.