Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Morning

This morning we skipped church. And it always easy to feel guilty about that because when we sit at our dining room table, we can see the church. Ehhhhhhh...

This morning 3 wanted to play a "family game" since we were all still hanging out in our jammies. So he pulled out the poker chips and cards and we had a good 'ole time playing poker. During church time. While sitting at the table looking at the church.

Poker instead of church.

Good one.

We were still folding our hands. Some of us more than others.
We were bowing our heads.
We were raising our hands in praise to the King, esp if we had 2 or 3 of them.
We all putting money into the pot.
We sang songs. "I am the Champion" and "You Don't Have Any Chips Left"

It's all good.