Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway - LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE!!

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It's here! My freebie giveaway as part of the Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway! The hint I gave you earlier was that this item could totally change your life. So here it is:

Can you imagine a life without any payments at all? No car payments, no house payments, no general debt payments. Oh, the life you could have!

Yes, Dave Ramsey's theory on being debt free can totally change your life if you follow his guidelines. Pool Boy and I are only in our first month and we already monitor our money more closely and can tell a difference in our bank balance. We can't wait to send all of our "leftover" money at the end of this month toward our debt. This isn't an easy plan. There's no magic theory into getting out of debt - only hard work on your part.

As Dave says, our plan is to live like no one else so that we can live like no one else.

Do you also want to live like no one else? Then leave me a comment below! Each person who leaves a comment will be put into my drawing. On Friday, one commenter will be drawn and I will ship the Dave Ramsey's book, The Total Money Makeover, to YOU...for FREE!

You don't have to have a blog in order to join in on the fun. Just leave me a note giving me a hint as to who you are, or email me separately to let me know who you are: thegreen3atgmaildotcom.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for links to more free giveaways!