Monday, October 15, 2007

No Wi-Fi For Us, Thanks

I’ll borrow a line from one of my soccer players last week: I’m not bragging, but I am pretty good.

At least I thought I was. I consider myself computer literate. In fact, it’s how I earn my paycheck. My employer better rethink that, though, since I’m unable to get Green’s NintendoDS hooked up to the wi-fi without destroying my Internet connection.

Yesterday was a rainy day and soccer was cancelled. I thought I would do Green a favor and spend some time getting his DS set up so he could play his games with his friends over the wi-fi connection. There was a lot of router re-setting, WEP education, DS manual reading going on. Then it turned into a lot of swearing, rebooting, DS pencil thing losing, phone calls to brother in CO, plugging, unplugging, and more swearing.

We haven’t had an Internet connection since.

Seriously folks, how does the average person set up their Nintendo DS machines? You have to know A LAWT to get the settings right so it can be played over wi-fi. Apparently I know nothing.