Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Intellectual Destruction

First I must admit that I originally got this idea from Chilihead. I’m sure she won’t mind if I use it for my VERY FIRST Works for Me Wednesday.

I love to find projects that will keep my kinds entertained, as well as teach them a thing or two. My boys are totally into taking things apart right now. I work for a software company, so I have access to a whole bunch of computer “junk” which I take home to let my kids take apart. They get to investigate the inner workings of all these things, plus use their creativity. These are some monitors that I recently brought home.

Our town is having their city-wide garage sale on the 29th, so I plan to take full advantage of the deals and find more “junk” that they can take apart. I believe Chili used telephones in the past, so I’ll search for some of those. I’m also on the hunt for radios, remote controls, and anything else that people are selling really cheap.

For more handy tips, make sure to visit the WFMW goddess at Rocks in My Dryer.