Sunday, May 04, 2008

Kansas City Dave Ramsey Live Recap


Dave's live event was exactly as I thought it would be. Dave was both funny and serious, but mostly inspiring. I have to admit I was a bit star struck.

He had amazing deals on all of his products that day. All of his books and single CDs were being sold for their lowest prices, which allowed people to get even more knowledge. I already have all of his books, so I opted for a CD. I really wanted a t-shirt but apparently those had to be pre-ordered. I thought that was a bit odd.

Since I've read all of his books and listen to his podcasts, I really didn't learn anything new. But that's ok - I'm still very glad I went. Pool Boy went with me and he hasn't read anything of Dave's so it was well worth it just to get him to listen to his message. Dave acknowledged that many people in the crowd probably didn't want to be there - he was so right! But hopefully all of those people were on board by the end of the event.

We're still on Baby Step 2 but well on our way to the next step. We're counting down the months until we get there!